I give to say that I have been totally surprised and humbled (and a bit embarrassed even! over the answer to the Run Like a Mother feature. Wow. I acknowledge that I lost weight, but lots and lots of people lose weight (and plenty lose more than I did). I am definitely very attached to running despite having a crazy busy life, but honestly, I don't believe it's any harder for me to get my runs in than it is for any of my other running friends.
We all make a lot on our plates, right?I am impressed with anyone who makes the clock to accept charge of themselves and exercise regularly.
Thanks so often to everyone who took the sentence to study and provide a nice comment. It really was humiliating and touch and I make a long name of comments and emails I am running on answering. And thanks for all the encouragement about the marathon. It means a lot. :)
I am very mad about the race, which is only seven weeks away now. This weekend we ran eight miles on Saturday and 18 miles on Sunday. It took us a slight over 3 hours and we felt pretty dang good at the end. This week is a "scale back" week with less mileage, and so next week I let my maiden of two 20 mile training runs. I remember looking at the training schedule when I was starting this and being VERY intimidated by the 15, 17, 18 and 20 mile runs. Now I say "take it". :)
Poor Jenny has had a very terrible cough so she took a much needed day off this morning. I don't mind going by myself, but I knew Josh had to get a run in and he has a super busy day today, so I got him up and had him run with me. (Nate got up and hung out in the living way in character any of the little kids woke up before we got back). It was decent to run with him. He doesn't chit chat (says he needs the oxygen) and I lean to force the yard with him, but it was a well run and courteous to be with him (always). I saw five shooting stars on our run this morning, which is definitely a perquisite of working in the dark.
We had a fun weekend too. Gramma came up on Saturday which was very nice. We pulled out and went through all of the Halloween costumes, and thither were loads of chess and checker games going on. In the Halloween department it looks like this class we are leaving to have (from youngest to oldest) a baby elephant, a Sully (Monster's Inc.), a knight, a Princess Tiana, a vampiress, a witch, a skeleton, "something scary", a hobo, a phantom, a madman in a straight jacket, and a peasant girl. All of these are content to modification of course! :)
Oh, and in VERY fun news. Josh won tickets to a Nickelback concert! A local business was giving forth a few pairs of tickets and Josh won one of the pairs! I was super excited to go, and then realised that the see of the concert is tomorrow. which is Shane's 11th birthday. so Jolly and Shane are leaving to see Nickelback tomorrow. Pretty darn cool! Shane has never been to a concert so he is very, very excited. Some friends saw Nickelback and said it was a house friendly appearance and this concert is in Utah so we are hoping it will be a dear one to ask him to.
This is a big birthday week. We have Shane turning 11 tomorrow, and then Shorty turns FIVE on Sunday. The entire family will be HOME all weekend, which I cannot hold for. Mercy is now done with volleyball (yay! and Chaff and Nate are through with football after today (yay!). So this weekend will be a birthday-celebrating, pumpkin-carving, Halloween cookie-making, family weekend. Can't wait. :)
Oh, and thanks to everyone who has asked about Noah. He is second to himself again after another (miserably failed) attempt at increasing the order on his feeding pump to get around more fluids into his system. His small body just can't hold the increased volume, which results in years of wretchedness and crying. Within 10-12 hours of turning the heart back down, he is second to his normal, happy self. I am done worrying about it now for awhile. He is growing well and getting enough of calories, and yet though his fluid intake is below what the charts say he needs, he has plenty of tears, plenty of wet diapers and has no signs of being dehydrated. So I am going to provide just enough only for awhile.
He is doing great otherwise. His physical therapist said today that he really can see a conflict in him each week. Today he walked (with back and aid from the PT but without the gait trainer) across our whole front room. It was really cool! The gait trainer is very helping him get the feeling for taking steps, shifting his weight, etc. And he has been so ridiculous and playful. AND, he has thrown his first real tantrums. Most parents don't like tantrums, but it is such a normal thing for a 22 month old to do that I just smile (and his tantrums are pretty weak compared to what some of his siblings could do). Love that baby!
That is what we are up to at the moment. Stay tuned for more very soon.
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